Wilshire Center Business Improvement Corporation
A California Nonprofit Corporartion
A meeting of the Board was held at The Wilshire Boulevard Temple, Los Angeles, California for the purpose of transacting all proper business of the corporation and of the Advisory Board for the Wilshire Center Business Improvement District.
The meeting was called to order. Written notice of this meeting was sent or personally delivered to all Directors of record on the books of the corporation at such time and with such contents as required by the Bylaws of the corporation. There were present Paul Kim, Howard Kaplan, Mike Hakim, Bryson Youkstetter and Mike Sarabona with Debra Leather’s proxy held by Gary Russell. Also present were members of the BID’s security team, street maintenance team, and landscaper maintenance team, along with members of the LAPD Olympic Division.
The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and approved.
Gary Russell gave a brief overview of the executive report. The latest Earth Day Video was shown. The Cool District plan is moving ahead. Ficus trees were trimmed along 8th Street from Harvard to Irolo and along Irolo by the BID. Forty five trees were trimmed in total. The City will not be trimming any trees in the area for another 9 years. A block by block analysis is being done to see what other trees need to be trimmed by the BID. Paul Kim mentioned that 3075 Wilshire near Shatto would be a good area to start.
The BID consortium is fighting to preserve the trash bag fund from the City. The WCBID will probably have to spend more on maintenance to take up the slack due to the City cutbacks.
The schools at the old Ambassador site are due to open in September. We want to partner with the school to provide venues such as movies on the lawn for the community. The new park in front of the school is due to open school, and will probably need extra watching from our security team as the school has no plans to add their own security there.
The CRA traffic study report is completed. Gary is to get Howard Kaplan a full copy of the study.
Presentations by the BID’s security, street cleaning and maintenance and landscape maintenance contractors were given to the board
Howard Kaplan then made a presentation detailing the new planning and restoration project at the Wilshire Blvd. Temple. The Temple now owns the entire block, and will proceed soon with the first phase of the program, which is the restoration of the sanctuary by Grindle Levin. The Temple is listed in the National Registry of Historic Places which will present challenges to the restoration. Funds are still needed for the project. The Temple will continue to be there for the community during all phases of the work; their food pantry is open every Sunday from 8 to 9:30 and distributes on average 200 bags of food, including high protein items; they also provide medical screenings for people in need; and they offer the Temple as a meeting place for community groups. Howard will write a synopsis of plan for the Wishire Center quarterly newsletter.
No further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Use the links below to view the WCBIC contractors reports: